Bach flower therapy - centaury, cerato, cherry plum, chestnut bud, Chicory, clematis
“Kind, quiet, gentle people who are over-anxious to serve others. They overtax their strength in their endeavors. Their wish so grows upon them that they become more servants than willing helpers. Their good nature leads them to do more than their own share of work, and in so doing they may neglect their own particular mission in life” – Dr. Edward Bach
Keywords: Weak-willed, bullied, unable to say no, imposed on, lack energy, tired, timid, passive, quiet
Human indication: When you have a hard time saying NO and therefore easily get imposed on.
Keywords: Weak-willed, bullied, unable to say no, imposed on, lack energy, tired, timid, passive, quiet
Human indication: When you have a hard time saying NO and therefore easily get imposed on.
“Those who have not sufficient confidence in themselves to make their own decisions. They constantly seek advice from others, and are often misguided” – Dr. Edward Bach
Keywords: Confirmation, seeking advice, do not trust own wisdom or judgment
Human indication: When you do not trust your own judgment in decision-making.
Keywords: Confirmation, seeking advice, do not trust own wisdom or judgment
Human indication: When you do not trust your own judgment in decision-making.
“Fear of mind being over-strained, of reason giving away, of doing fearful and dreaded things, not wished and known wrong, yet there comes the thought and impulse to do them.” – Dr. Edward Bach
Keywords: Fear of losing control, temper tantrum, breakdown, abusive, rage, explode
Human indication: When you are in deep despair and feel like you are going to “lose it.”
Animal/Pet indication: A loss of self-control, violent scratching
Keywords: Fear of losing control, temper tantrum, breakdown, abusive, rage, explode
Human indication: When you are in deep despair and feel like you are going to “lose it.”
Animal/Pet indication: A loss of self-control, violent scratching
“For those who do not take full advantage of observation and experience, and who take a longer time than others to learn the lessons of daily life. Whereas one experience would be enough for some, such people find it necessary to have more, sometimes several, before the lesson is learned. Therefore, to their regret, they find themselves having to make the same error on different occasions when once would have been enough, or observation of others could have spared them even that one fault.” – Dr. Edward Bach
Keywords: Learning, repeating mistakes
Human indication: Keeps repeating the same mistake, doesn’t learn from past mistakes
Animal/Pet indication: Repeated unsuccessful behavior patterns, doesn’t learn from past mistakes
Keywords: Learning, repeating mistakes
Human indication: Keeps repeating the same mistake, doesn’t learn from past mistakes
Animal/Pet indication: Repeated unsuccessful behavior patterns, doesn’t learn from past mistakes
“Those who are very mindful of the needs of others they tend to be over-full of care for children, relatives, friends, always finding something that should be put right. They are continually correcting what they consider wrong, and enjoy doing so. They desire that those for whom they care should be near them” – Dr. Edward Bach
Keywords: Possessive, over-protective, self-centered, critical, nagging, self-pity, easily offended, manipulating, demanding
Human indication: When you find yourself manipulating and controlling your loved ones.
Animal/Pet indication: Possessive in nature, very territorial, manipulating, loving to be in control.
Human indication: When you find yourself manipulating and controlling your loved ones.
Animal/Pet indication: Possessive in nature, very territorial, manipulating, loving to be in control.
“Those who are dreamy, drowsy, not fully awake, no great interest in life. Quiet people, not really happy in their present circumstances, living more in the future than in the present; living in hopes of happier times when their ideals may come true. In illness some make little or no effort to get well, and in certain cases may even look forward to death, in the hope of better times; or maybe, meeting again some beloved one whom they have lost.” – Dr. Edward Bach
Keywords: Daydreaming, dreaminess, withdrawing, lack of concentration
Human indication: When you have a tendency to live in your own dream world with little interest in the real world, accident prone, daydreaming.
Animal/Pet indication: No apparent interest in the world around them; animals that sleep all the time, have trouble paying attention, or seem to live more in a dream than in the present
Human indication: When you have a tendency to live in your own dream world with little interest in the real world, accident prone, daydreaming.
Animal/Pet indication: No apparent interest in the world around them; animals that sleep all the time, have trouble paying attention, or seem to live more in a dream than in the present
“This is the remedy of cleansing. For those who feel as if they have something not quite clean about themselves. Often it is something of apparently little importance, in others there may be more serious disease which is almost disregarded compared to the one thing on which they concentrate. In both types they are anxious to be free from the one particular thing which is greatest in their minds and which seems so essential to them that it should be cured. They become despondent if treatment fails. Being a cleanser, this remedy purifies wounds if the patient has reason to believe that some poison has entered which must be drawn out.” – Dr. Edward Bach
Keywords: Cleansing, poor self image, sense of not being clean, obsessive, poor self image
Human indication: When you feel unclean or have a hard time accepting your own self image.
Cleansing: Use externally on ringworm, rashes and warts.
Animal/Pet indication: Obsessive cleanliness, fastidiousness; excessive grooming. Pets with rashes
Human indication: When you feel unclean or have a hard time accepting your own self image.
Cleansing: Use externally on ringworm, rashes and warts.
Animal/Pet indication: Obsessive cleanliness, fastidiousness; excessive grooming. Pets with rashes
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