Acupuncture for tinnitus
Tinnitus is a common complaint seen by Chinese Medicine practitioners, particularly as many western treatments have poor response rates. There are cases where structural abnormalities exist and these are difficult to resolve with any method, however, many cases exist without a known etiology. Within Chinese Medicine there are many patterns from which tinnitus can arise as a symptom and some appear to do better with treatment than others.
The following standard points can be used in all cases.
TH 17, GB 2, SI 19, TH 21
Secondary points by tcm diagnosis can be added as per the other symptoms and patterns.
1. TH 3, TH 5, TH 17, GB 8, GB 20, GB 43, LV 2
2. LI 4, SP9, ST 40, SI 19, TH 3, TH 21, UB 20, GB 20, GB 2, CV 9, CV 12, TH 5
3. SP 6, HT 6, UB 23, KD 3, KD 7, GB 2, LV 3, GV 4, CV 4
4. LU 9, SI 19, UB 13, TH 16, GV 20, CV 6, CV 17
5. SP 6, SI 19, UB 15, PC 6, GV 20, CV 14
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