Can virgin Coconut oil treat covid-19

 Is Coconut oil a treatment for corona virus?

Extra virgin raw unrefined cold pressed Coconut oil with MCT's and Monolaurin.

What Is Monolaurin?

Monolaurin is a chemical derived from lauric acid and glycerin, and is a byproduct of coconut fat. For the past two decades, research scientists have been investigating possible applications for monolaurin in medicine, sanitization, and food preservation.

Coconut oil and certain coconut products contain approximately 50 percent lauric acid. Monolaurin is many times more effective than lauric acid at killing viruses and bacteria; however, researchers aren’t sure exactly how it’s formed in the human body.

Lauric acid can be ingested in coconut oil and your body will convert it into monolaurin, but researchers are unsure of the conversion rates. But suggested dosages are 1000-3000 mg.

Other sources of lauric acid and other minerals and vitamins boosting immunity and health:
Extra virgin coconut oil, coconut milk, coconut milk powder, coconut chips, coconut sugar, coconut nectar vinegar, coconut nectar syrup honey, coconut flour, high fat Desiccated powder etc.

Health benefits
People take monolaurin supplements to encourage immune health and general wellness. Its antimicrobial properties have been clearly established.

Antibacterial effects
Research shows that monolaurin is an effective killer of bacteria, including antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.

A 2013 study Trusted Source published in the Journal of Medicinal Food confirmed the results of other in vitro studies that showed the antibacterial power of monolaurin. It also showed that monolaurin at least partially fights off Staphylococcus aureus in mice.

A study from 2007 Trusted Source in the Journal of Dermatology Drugs compared monolaurin to six common types of antibiotics in the treatment of superficial pediatric skin infections. The study found statistically significant broad spectrum antibiotic effects without any of the resistance of common antibiotics.

Antifungal effects
Several fungi, yeasts, and protozoa are reported to be inactivated or killed by monolaurin, including some species of ringworm and candida albicans. Candida albicans is a common fungal pathogen that lives in the gut, mouth, genitals, urinary tract, and skin. It can be life-threatening in immunocompromised people.

A recent studyTrusted Source found that monolaurin has potential as an antifungal treatment for candida albicans —one that can also reduce a pro-inflammatory response.

Antiviral effects
It’s reported that some of the viruses that have been inactivated, at least partially, by monolaurin include:

herpes simplex-1
vesicular stomatitis
visna virus

A 2015 studyTrusted Source published in PLOS ONE tested a monolaurin vaginal gel in female primates. Researchers found that daily doses of monolaurin gel could reduce primates’ risk of vaginally contracting SIV, the primate version of HIV. The researchers concluded that monolaurin has great potential as a prophylactic.

What about on 2019-nCoV (coronavirus)?
In January, 2020, The Potential of Coconut Oil and its Derivatives as Effective and Safe Antiviral Agents Against the Novel Coronavirus (nCoV-2019), a study by Professor Emeritus Dr. Fabian Antonio Dayrit and Dr. Mary Newport, explored “the potential use of coconut oil as a safe antiviral agent against the novel coronavirus.” It posed the question…

“Several researchers have been designing drugs to specifically target protease enzymes in coronavirus, but testing for these drugs is many months away. What if there is a treatment candidate against the coronavirus that might already be available and whose safety is already established?”

They continue: “Lauric acid (C12) and monolaurin, its derivative, have been known for many years to have significant antiviral activity. Lauric acid is a medium-chain fatty acid which makes up about 50% of extra virgin raw MCT coconut oil; monolaurin is a metabolite that is naturally produced by the body’s own enzymes upon ingestion of coconut oil and is also available in pure form as a supplement. Sodium lauryl sulfate, a common surfactant that is made from lauric acid, has been shown to have potent antiviral properties. Lauric acid, monolaurin, and sodium lauryl sulfate (which is also known as sodium dodecyl sulfate) are used in a wide range of products for their antiviral properties.”

How is monolaurin a compelling candidate for novel coronavirus?
Doctors Dayrit and Newport explain lauric acid and monolaurin’s antiviral mechanisms: “first, they cause disintegration of the virus envelope; second, they can inhibit late maturation stage in the virus replicative cycle; and third, they can prevent the binding of viral proteins to the host cell membrane.”

Monolaurin works by disintegrating the virus membrane.
Both the 2020 study and Dr. Verallo-Rowell’s review point to the antiviral studies of lauric acid and monolaurin from as early as 1979. A 1982 study by Hierholzer & Kabara “showed that monolaurin was able to reduce infectivity of 14 human RNA and DNA enveloped viruses in cell culture by >99.9%” with monolaurin working specifically by disintegrating the virus envelope (later validated by further studies; see review).

Because monolaurin works by preventing maturation, it prevents replication.
A 2001 study on fatty acids against the Junin virus (JUNV; the cause of Argentine hemorrhagic fever) showed that lauric acid was the most effective at inhibiting “a late maturation stage in the replicative cycle of JUNV.”

As a result, this may slow down the increase in viral load in the body.

Monolaurin prevents the virus from binding to our cells.
Instead of influencing protein synthesis in the viral membrane, lauric acid prevents binding to the host cell.

Doctors Dayrit and Newport cite a 1994 study showing that lauric acid prevented infectious vesicular stomatitis by preventing the viral proteins from binding to the healthy host’s cells’ membranes. Furthermore, removing the lauric acid removed the antiviral effects.


  1. Please don't oversimplify. Dr Divina mentioned in FB that Trial with VCO just started yesterday in the Philippines.

    1. It may seem a bit over simplified, but it's my Faith as I have witnessed magical benefits of coconut in the last 7 year's. I have seen people getting treated of diseases which were not at all curable by any allopathic medicine. I am not claiming that it would treat but I feel and wish that coconut oil can do this wonder by helping us in covid-19 and I strongly believe that it would help. Still if you feel that I should do some changes, please let me know.
      Thanks for reading my blog. Always open for suggestions


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