Agnihotra homatherapy benefits

Benefits of Agnihotra, homatherapy

Agnihotra  as  given  through  the  Vedas creates healing energies. Therefore, it is a directly through  the  Agnihotra  fire  and  its  healing atmosphere  that  we  have  the  basis  for reinforcing our health.
Great  benefits  are  derived  from  sitting  for as many minutes as possible at the Agnihotra fire.  This  can  be  used  as  a  direct  therapy  to maintain or improve one's health.

For  stress  and  headaches,  sitting peacefully  15  minutes  or  more  in  Agnihotra atmosphere has proven results. Let go of your thoughts or think about something pleasant.

For  sinusitis  and  respiratory problems, even asthma, it has proven beneficial for many people  to  sit  close  to  the  Agnihotra  fire  and inhale  the  smoke  like  an  inhalation.

Do  this regularly  in  the  morning  and  evening  for approximately 15 minutes.
For  insomnia  it  has  proven  beneficial  topractice morning and evening Agnihotra in the bedroom. Many people have reported having a  more  balanced  sleep  and  feel  fitter  for  the new day.

With exhaustion and for improved general fitness,  it  has  proven  effective  to  practice Agnihotra  first  and  then  do  a  simple  yoga exercise  called  'Salute  to  the  Sun'.  Many physical  exercises  and  breathing  techniques do not possess their former effectiveness, since during the exercise the polluted air is inhaled and this puts stress on the body. But if Agnihotravis done before exercising then the original effect can be experienced.

The following can be done for depression.
Practice Agnihotra at sunrise and sunset and stay  in  the  Agnihotra  atmosphere  for approximately 15 minutes or more. Additionally, you can walk outside in daylight before 10 am and  after  4:30  pm.  Morning  and  evening daylight  possesses  great  healing  power  over the  various  bodily  systems.  Generally,  it supports  the  functioning  of  the  body  and promotes health in sick or healthy people. It is in many ways a direct healing tool. Combined with  Agnihotra  we  once  again  receive  the original healing power of daylight.

Hyperactive children: Many parents have experienced  tremendous  help  practicing morning  and  evening  Agnihotra  in  the  room where  the  child  sleeps.  Depending  on  the Agnihotra timings, the child can sit near the fire, play  something  quietly  or  be  asleep.  During sleep  the  child  gets  rest  and  sleep,  which  is needed for a more balanced day.

Sadness in old age: It is hard to find some helpful biological treatments for sadness in old age.  You  can  try  the  following:  Practice Agnihotra in the morning and evening or ask someone to do it for you. Drink herbal tea and sit every morning outside for at least thirty  minutes  or  if  possible  walk  the  same amount of time. Do this before 10 am or after 4:30  pm.  Think  about  how  you  can  make somebody happy. It is very simple. May be you can lovingly greet a stranger, or give some one a  flower  from  your  walk?  Anything  that  may bring  happiness  to  someone.  This  friendly action  makes  you  feel  better.  You  can  also improve your feelings towards life with a liver detox as it's directly associated with anger.

Agnihotra and light therapy: Generally one will notice that any kind of light therapy gives better results when daily, morning and evening Agnihotra,  is  practised.  Independently  of whether the complete spectrum of daylight or only certain colours are applied in therapy, you can always benefit from the fact that Agnihotra allows the light to shine through a healed and healing atmosphere, enabling the light to give its optimum effect for well being.

Aroma  therapy can  be  supported  with Agnihotra  since  atmosphere  is  the  transport medium for all fragrances. If you do Agnihotra first and then use the fragrance of your choice, the body can better assimilate its effect. Agnihotra can be used in plant medicine excellently. If  Agnihotra  is  performed  in  the morning and evening close to where medicinal plants grow, the healing properties of the plants and essential oils increase, making them more potent in their medicinal action.

In stone medicine you can try the following: Place your healing stones, gems  or  jewellery beside the Agnihotra pyramid and then perform Agnihotra. After the fire is extinguished you can use the stones and gems as usual. Many have experienced  that  the  healing  power  of  the stones increases.

Agnihotra  is  excellent  for  the  health  of animals. Maybe you have a pet, or raise cattle on a farm. No matter what animal or what size,vyour darling will always benefit from Agnihotra atmosphere as well as from the Agnihotra ash. Additionally you can add Agnihotra ash powder into  the  feed  or  drinking  water,  sprinkle  it  onwounds, etc. This will directly contribute to their better health.In all these applications to strengthen and balance health with the Agnihotra fire, the effect can be intensified by also using the Agnihotra ash.  In  the  next  chapter  you  will  find  some examples of applications. This means you can perform  Agnihotra  and  in  addition  apply  theAgnihotra ash. The cost is minimal.


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